Highlight Your Hard Work on Facebook to Grow Your Business

Published on August 18, 2017

Facebook. You’re on it. Your kids are on it. Chances are your grandma’s on it. Is your business on it?

If your answer is no, you’re missing a huge marketing opportunity. Two-thirds of American adults use Facebook. Most people check it every day. That makes it an ideal way to connect with customers and showcase the work you do.

But how do you fit that into your busy schedule?

Make Facebook a Part of Every Project

You don’t need fresh posts every day. Caravella Demolition Contractors in East Hanover, New Jersey, has built a strong following of more than 5,500 with a simple strategy:

“I have two of my people in the office that I put as admins. They’ll throw a couple pictures on and tell fans where we’re at today,” says John Caravella, president of Caravella Demolition. “It just seems like the momentum is going really well. I’ve actually gotten maybe 25 jobs off Facebook.”

Share Your Work

A picture says a thousand words. It also significantly increases engagement over text-only posts. Snap photos from your jobsites to give your followers a glimpse of what you’re working on.

“I take pictures of every job that I do. I always try to post before-and-afters, and during jobs when I can,” says Bob Urban of Lawn and Order Landscaping and Excavating in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “The likes keep going up. I get a lot of response.”

“Social media is one of the reasons why I get a lot of calls. I don’t advertise. The only thing I have is a Facebook page. I just put aside a minute or two to take a couple pics and post something just to have it out there.”

If you can take a photo, try shooting a quick video – even if it’s “amateur” video from your phone. Facebook prioritizes video content, putting it in your followers’ news feeds more often than photos or simple status updates. And video better captures the action of your work, increasing views and engagement.

“I bought a drone last year. I’ll do an aerial drone view of the finished product,” says Urban. “A lot of people seem to like that. It creates a lot of publicity for your page when you use the drone – or any type of video.”

Join the Conversation

Share posts from the community, your network and other pages your fans would be interested in. Encourage your fans to share your content and respond when they comment.

If your engagement is low, start a conversation. Questions are a great way to interact with your fans, and engaged fans are more loyal and likely to buy. But keep it simple – Facebook users make decisions quickly. You only have seconds to get them to react before they move on to the next post in their feed.

Let Your Customers Speak for You

Word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Highlight customers with testimonials or encourage happy clients to share their experiences on your page. Positive reviews are displayed prominently on your business page, building trust with potential customers.

Caravella Demolition added the Reviews feature to their page and has racked up dozens of positive ratings.

“People see the type of company we are, what we do and how we do it. I’ve had certain people call and say they don’t care what the price is, they just want us there,” says Caravella. “If there’s somebody on Facebook that knows me and needs a demolition job, I’m 99.999% getting that call.”

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